Paid Undergraduate Research
Open to current UB students for the Spring 2024 term. Interested students, please contact Toyin Campbell ( for more information & to submit your materials.

SoBLA Mini-Symposium: Building Bridges in Computational Biophysics-BBCB v2.0 (October 11, 2023)
Dr. Monje-Galvan, Dr Bores, and Dr Soto are hosting the second version of this BPS sponsored mini-symposium to strengthen the network of experimentalist and computational biophysicists. The Society for Latinoamerican Biophysicists (SoBLA) continues to support the event. Register here!

LatinXinChE Virtual Symposiutm (September 6, 2023)
As part of the board of LatinXinChE, an affinity group in MAC AIChE, Dr. Monje-Galvan contribute to the organization of the first LatinXinChE virtual symposium in preparation to promote and support participation of colleagues and students at the National AIChE Meeting. The symposium brings over 80 people, 50 rapid-fire presentations by latinoamerican chemical engineers from more than 10 countries, and over 15 volunteers coordinating logistics and prizes. Thank you to our sponsors: AIChE Foundation, Chevron, Dow.

Biophysics Week 2023. Foro de estudiantes en biofísica.
20 de marzo, 2023 @ 11am-3pm EDT (GMT -5), virtual format
Foro para que los estudiantes de pre y postgrado en biofísica puedan compartir sus líneas de investigación, conectar con sus pares en América Latina, y conocer investigadores del área. Inscribete aqui
Forum for undergraduate and graduate students in biophysics to share their lines of research, connect with their peers in Latin America, and meet researchers in the field. Register here

Dr. Monje-Galvan volunteers since 2014 as reviewer for the annual writing contest, and the Ambassador Program. This is an initiative sponsored by the National Academy of Engineering that aims to showcase engineering careers among school-aged girls and promote the participation of women in the field.

II Virtual Mini-Symposium: Building Bridges in Computational Biophysics (October 12, 2022)
Dr. Monje-Galvan, Dr Bores, and Dr Soto organized a BPS sponsored mini-symposium to connect experimentalist and computational biophysicists. The event brought together over 45 biophysicists around the world. The poster session featured the work of 18 students and postdocs in Latinamerica. Looking forward to version 2.0!

Online Graduate Course on MD simulations (September-December 2021)
Dr. Monje-Galvan & Dr. Juliana Palma from Universidad National de Quilmes (UNQ) offered a gratuitous course on the applications and limitations of molecular dynamics simulations. The course was offered in Spanish, and included a hands-on component with resources made available by the computational cluster at the UNQ. Thirty three (33) students from different countries in Lantin America participated; their enthusiasm and feedback was extremely positive.
Course lectures are available on YouTube (Spanish only)

Dr. Monje-Galvan was one of the keynote speakers at the three-day course on complex systems, sponsored by the Physics department at the state university in La Paz-Bolivia, Univ. Mayor de San Andres.